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The University of Winnipeg Collegiate

Dual Credit Courses

Dual-credit courses are introductory first-year university courses for which qualified Grade 12 Collegiate students with a minimum of 22 credits may enroll. Please see the course descriptions for further details on dual-credit courses and their prerequisites Application to register for a dual-credit course will take place at the student’s Collegiate registration appointment.  Upon successful completion of a dual-credit course, students will receive the designated university credit AND the high school credit for the course.

Dual-credit courses offered by The Collegiate include:

  • ACS-1453 (3) Introduction to Computers
  • ACS-1903 (3) Programming Fundamentals I
  • ACS-1904 (3) Programming Fundamentals II
  • BUS-1201 (3) Intro To Business I
  • BUS-1202 (3) Intro To Business II
  • CHEM-1111 (3) Introduction to Chemical Properties of Matter
  • CHEM-1112 (3) Basic Principles of Chemical Reactivity
  • CRS-1200 (6) Introduction to Conflict Resolution Studies
  • ECON-1102 (3) Intro: Microeconomics
  • ECON-1103 (3) Intro: Macroeconomics
  • ENGL-1001 (6) English 1
  • GEOG-1105 (3) Introduction Human Geography
  • GEOG-1205 (3) Introductory Physical Geography
  • HR/IDS-1200 (3) Introduction to Global Citizenship
  • MATH-1103 (3) Introduction to Calculus I
  • MATH-1104 (3) Introduction to Calculus II
  • MULT-1000 (3) Introduction to University
  • MUS/THFM-1500 (3) Music Appreciation
  • PHIL-1001 (6) Introduction to Philosophy
  • REL-1002 (3) Exploring Religions: World's Religions
  • RHET-1105 (3) Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary


For Term Start and End Dates, please see http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/academics/calendar/dates.html.

Class Times - Classes will follow The University of Winnipeg timetable. Start times and end times may differ from the times on the Collegiate timetable, so please use your UW timetable.

Textbooks - Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks from The University of Winnipeg Bookstore for these courses.  Please go directly to the Bookstore with your course registration information; you will be able to locate your books according to Course and Section number.

Collegiate October Exam Schedule - Regular classes will be held during the Collegiate October Exam Period.

Course Withdrawal Process - If you want to withdraw from a dual-credit course, you must complete a withdrawal form; they are available from a Collegiate Dean. 

For Voluntary Withdrawal Dates, please note that the Voluntary Withdrawal date for dual credit courses does not follow the UWinnipeg undergraduate timetable.  The last day to withdraw from a dual credit course without penalty is two weeks before the last lecture of the course.

Recognition of Courses - The University of Winnipeg recognizes Dual-Credit courses for admission and for scholarship.  Students wishing to attend other universities should confirm with those institutions that courses will be similarly recognized.