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The University of Winnipeg Collegiate

Dual-Credit Course Descriptions

Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary 42U: RHET-1105/3

Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary 42U is designed to prepare students with the needed academic researching, writing, formatting, and editing skills to be successful in the first years of their university career and beyond. Specifically, this course allows student to acquire skills needed to choose meaningful essay writing topics to support classes’ requirements and personal interests, to find appropriate research sources, and to create well-written, correctly formatted academic essays that meaningfully intertwine their thoughts, inspirations, and insights with the thoughts and words of other scholars.  Additionally, students will gain skills and confidence in the mechanical aspects of writing such as enriching vocabulary, understanding grammar and the parts of speech to improve your sentence structure and variety, as well as recognizing and correcting many mistakes commonly made by writers.

Introduction to Business I and II 42U: BUS-1201/3 and BUS-1202/3

This course is made up of Introduction to Business I (BUS-1201) and Introduction to Business II (BUS-1202). In this course students are introduced to fundamental concepts, theories, and analytic techniques from several areas in business, including marketing, operations management, human resource management, accounting, and financial management. Introduction to Business I will introduce fundamental concepts related to current business trends, business ownership, entrepreneurship, and general management, including organizational behaviour and human resource management. Introduction to Business II will introduce basic terminology, concepts, theories and some qualitative and quantitative analytic techniques of key functional areas in business such as: accounting; finance; marketing; and, production and operations management.

Introduction to Calculus I and II 42U: MATH-1103/3 and MATH-1104/3

Students at The Collegiate have a tremendous opportunity to take Introduction to Calculus I and II, two rigorous first year university courses. Very motivated students with a strong math background are encouraged to register for Calculus 42U.

To prepare for this course, it is strongly recommended that students use the following template to plan their high school mathematics courses.

Grade 10:   20S Pre-calculus (Fall/Winter Term)

                  30S Pre-calculus (Spring Term)

Grade 11:   40S Pre-calculus (Fall/Winter Term)

Grade 12:   Calculus 42U (Fall/Winter Term)


  • To promote student understanding of mathematical concepts through the exercise of intuition, logical deduction, and problem solving.
  • To increase student awareness and appreciation of the practical applications of calculus.
  • To equip students with a strong foundation in introductory calculus in preparation for second year calculus.


Above average standing in Pre-Calculus 40S


  • Limits
  • Derivatives
  • Applications of the derivative
  • The Integral
  • Applications of the integral
  • The natural log and exponential functions
  • Techniques of integration
  • Indeterminate forms and L’Hopital’s Rule
  • Improper integrals


Students are expected to solve relevant problems to increase their comprehension of calculus concepts.

Introduction to Calculus I and II are very demanding and fast-paced courses; students should expect homework varying from 1 - 1.5 hours nightly. Evaluation Term tests (35%) Midterm Exam (15%) Final Exam (50%)

University of Winnipeg Collegiate Dual-Credit course Calculus 42U is equivalent to The University of Winnipeg courses MATH-1103/3 (Introduction to Calculus I) and MATH-1104/3 (Introduction to Calculus II). This course will be credited as a first year university credit (6 credit hours) as well as for one Grade 12 credit.

Introduction to Chemistry I and II 42U: CHEM-1111/3 and CHEM-1112/3

This dual-credit university course provides the opportunity for motivated Collegiate students to enroll in the first-year university Chemistry course with the smaller class sizes and more personal environment at the Collegiate.  Students have the option of using this course as 6 credits (1FCE) of university credit and/or as a high school credit.


This course provides students with the foundations required for second-year chemistry courses.  Students will study atomic structure and how it relates to the physical and chemical properties of compounds.  In the second half of the course, students will study chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, acid/base and oxidation/reduction chemical reactions. The lab component provides students with lab techniques to prepare them for future studies in chemistry.


Chemistry 40S and Pre-Calculus 40S or Applied Mathematics 40S; or CHEM -0100(3).  The mathematics courses can be taken as a co-requisite upon instructors’ approval.


  • Atomic and molecular structure
  • Periodicity
  • Chemical bonding and chemical reactivity
  • Properties and reactions of gases
  • Solutions and intermolecular forces
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium
  • Acid/base and oxidation/reduction chemical reactions.


The course is split into two half-courses and material is assessed through assignments, laboratory work, and term tests and final examinations.


The fundamental concepts of chemical reactivity covered in this course provide the essential foundation for students who wish to continue with Chemistry or Biochemistry as a major, and for students of biology, physics, physical geography, environmental studies, and experimental psychology.  This is a challenging course and students can benefit from taking it at the Collegiate to ease their transition to first-year university.

Introduction to Computers 42U: ACS-1453/3

Introduction to Computers is a half-credit course designed to enable the student to become competent in the use of the four major components of the modern office software suite. Students learn to use Microsoft Office 2013 Word (word processor), Excel (spreadsheet), Access (database) and Powerpoint (presentations). This course involves learning both the nature of the software itself and how to use the software.


  • Creating, formatting, and editing a Word document with pictures
  • Creating a research paper with citations and references
  • Creating a business letter with a letterhead and table Excel
  • Creating a worksheet and an embedded chart
  • Formulas, functions and formatting Access
  • Databases and database objects: an introduction
  • Querying a database Powerpoint
  • Creating and editing a presentation with clip art
  • Enhancing a presentation with pictures, shapes and WordArt
  • Current Internet and Computer Interactions
  • A look at current features and implications of the Internet and their implications as well as advances in computer control and interaction.


Students will be assessed through two tests and the completion of assignments.

University of Winnipeg Dual-Credit Introduction to Computers 42U is equivalent to The University of Winnipeg course ACS-1453/3 Introduction to Computers. This course can be used as a first-year university credit as well as a Grade 12 credit.

Introduction to Conflict Resolution Studies 42U: CRS-1200/6

Introduction to Conflict Resolution is a first year university course. It provides an introduction to the roots and nature of human conflict.  Human conflict is widespread in personal, community, and global settings, and all experience conflict in some way. This course prepares students to deal constructively with conflict through intrapersonal awareness, creative problem solving, effective communication, productive use of power, skills for peaceful justice-making, and understanding gender dynamics. Special emphasis will be given to interpersonal relationships, especially those involving friendships, the workplace, romantic partnerships and marriage.

Students explore approaches such as negotiation, mediation, nonviolent action, cross-cultural sensitivity and restorative justice.  Important factors such as anger, violence and power and methods of conflict resolution such as negotiation and mediation are examined from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will also be introduced to the skills required for analysis and resolution of various types of conflict, including interpersonal and group conflict.

This course is the foundation course of the Conflict Resolution Studies (CRS) program. Through this course students can begin to explore many of the dimensions and topics covered in the rest of the courses offered by CRS.

Economics I and II 42U: ECON-1102/3 and ECON-1103/3

This course is made up of Introduction to Microeconomics (ECON-1102) and Introduction to Macroeconomics (ECON-1103). Students will study contemporary economic institutions and the application of economic theory to current Canadian economic problems. In microeconomics will consider economic theories of production, consumption and exchange, price determination and the role of competition.In macroeconomics students consider economic theories of the determination of national income, governmental monetary and fiscal policy, the role of money and the banking system, international trade, and the determination of foreign exchange rates.

English 42U: ENGL 1001/6

This course offers an introduction to university-level literary study, including the reading of creative literature (poetry, fiction, and drama; the theory and practice of literary criticism; the role of historical and cultural writing and issues influencing literary texts; and research skills. Students will write academic papers and engage in academic research. Literary analysis is central to the discussion of texts in this course.


English 40S


In-class writing, formal academic essays, class discussion, exams.

Enjoyment of Music 42U: MUS-1500/3

This course is a broad study of the main types of music through guided listening and discussion. Various approaches to the disciplined enjoyment of music are demonstrated. No formal training in music is required. Whenever possible the selection of music takes into account current performances in Winnipeg.

Global Citizenship 42U: HRGS 1200/3

This course traces the historical development of the idea of ‘global citizenship’ and explores the meanings, contradictions and contentions associated with the term. Students examine current practices aimed at fostering global citizenship through guest speakers and student research on specific issues and injustices that are present in Manitoba communities and which have global connections or manifestations. This examination includes analyzing the rights of democratic citizenship and asking how such rights should be articulated and advanced.

Geography I and II - 42U: GEOG-1105/3 and GEOG-1205/3

This dual-credit university course allows Collegiate students to take the first-year Introductory Human Geography course in a small and personal setting. Motivated and dedicated students can begin their study of geography and prepare for future study in the Humanities. Students will have the option of using this course as 6 credit hours of university credit and/or as a high school credit.


This course will introduce students to the major themes in human geography. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of culture and its role in determining the attitudes of peoples around the world. As well, the growth, settlement and migration of populations will also be addressed in order to understand how countries develop and how that impacts our environment.


Successful completion of Grade 11 Social Studies (or equivalent) and a 40S course


  • Geography and culture
  • Geography of language and religion
  • Development and globalization
  • World population growth
  • Food production
  • Population migration
  • Origins of cities and modern urbanization
  • Environmental ethics


Course material will be addressed through reading, research, individual and group projects, and seminar leadership. Formal exams will make up a significant portion of course evaluation.


Students will develop a broader perspective and understanding of our past, present, and future development as a global community.


Geography 42U II | GEOG-1205 (Intro to Physical Geography)

If you are interested in taking Sciences at university, this course maybe helpful since it offers a Lab component and will give you the experience of working in a lab, having lab partners and completing hands-on activities.

This course is an introduction to the atmospheric sciences of climatology and meteorology, as well as geomorphology, the study of landforms and landscapes on the surface of the Earth.

The course will examine how and why average atmospheric conditions (i.e., climates) vary from place to place and over time (e.g., over months, years, centuries). In terms of meteorology, you will be learning about the nature of the atmosphere and the causes and characteristics of short-term atmospheric conditions

The geomorphology will explain processes of geologic (mountain building, volcanism, etc.) and geomorphic change (weathering, erosion, and deposition by water, ice, and wind).

So, if you like staring at clouds, check your weather app constantly, have a rock collection or wish you could hike a glacier, this might be the course for you!

Introduction to Philosophy 42U: PHIL 1001/6

This 6 credit hour course introduces students to the major pre-occupations of the western philosophical tradition, as well as the methods of philosophical inquiry. 

The themes examined are:

Metaphysics: What is the nature of reality?  Is there a difference between the way things appear and the way they actually are? 

Epistemology:  How do we know?  What do we mean by “knowing”?  Are there different modes of “knowing”?  On what basis can we make such distinctions?

Ethics: How should we live?  Upon what basis can we make such commitments?  

By reading primary philosophical texts in the tradition, students can be become familiar with both the philosophical issues that continue to illuminate thought as well as the practice of logical discourse, critical analysis and persuasion.

Introduction to University 42U: MULT-1000/3

Introduction to University will provide practical strategies for reading, note-taking and studying effectively. Participants will gain an understanding of the key elements involved in the writing process, critical thinking, listening, learning styles, memory, and time management.  A writing component is included which provides students with hands-on experience creating thesis statements, doing library research, and writing a research paper.

The course is intended for:

  • Prospective and newly-admitted students wishing to prepare for university level studies
  • Current students who wish to develop and improve their study skills and confidence
  • Anyone interested in becoming a more effective learner

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

  • Select appropriate learning strategies
  • Understand the learning process
  • Successfully integrate their personal and academic goals
  • Develop personal strategies and attitudes that contribute to effective learning
  • Develop basic research and writing skills
Religious Studies 42U: REL 1002/3

What is “religion?”  Is it a universal human experience or practice?  What is the story of this thing called “religion?”  How can we speak of it as scholars?

The academic study of Religion as a discipline has undergone a sea-change in the last two decades.  Many of the standard approaches and assumptions of the discipline have been critiqued and found wanting, demanding a more careful and critically aware approach to those things called “religion.”  This course intends to introduce students to both the critical insights of recent scholarship as well as the “classic” religious traditions, aiming to demonstrate how the latter are now understood in light of the former.

The following is an approximate syllabus for our study:  note that some topics may not be covered.  We will follow a pattern of reviewing what the textbook says followed by a researched interrogation of it.

The History of “Religion”

  • Exploring “religion:” what are they saying about “religion” and “world religions”?
  • Approaches to the study of “religion:”  sui generis versus polymethodological

Ancient Evidence and Contemporary Interpretations

  • Neolithic religion - animism and shamans
  • Greek balance - rationalism and mystery
  • Ancient Near Eastern fertility cults

The Biblical Traditions

  • Sacred and Profane Time: Judaism
  • The New Creation:  Christianity
  • The final Word: Islam
  • A severed relationship.

Eastern Traditions

  • The “invention” of the “Orient” and “Occident.”
  • The Unspeakable Mystery of Being: Hindu Religion
  • The path of the Awakened: Buddhism
  • A history of Violence: “political” distortions.
Programming Fundamentals 42U : ACS-1903/3 and ACS-1904/3


This course introduces fundamental programming concepts using an object-oriented programming language.  Topics to be covered include primitive data types and their manipulation, control structures, classes, objects and arrays.

Prerequisites: Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S or Applied Mathematics 40S or a grade of at least C in ACS-1805. 



This course examines more advanced programming concepts using an object-oriented programming language.  Topics to be covered include inheritance, polymorphism, sorting techniques, string processing, interfaces, files and packages.

Prerequisites:  A grade of at least C in ACS-1903(3).

Restrictions: Students may not receive credit in this course and the former 92/91.1902(3)