Code of Conduct
Being a student, an instructor, or a staff member at the University of Winnipeg Collegiate is a privilege. Membership in our learning community carries with it responsibilities, duties and obligations to ensure that the environment in our school is welcoming, safe and supportive for everyone.
Our Code of Conduct serves as a reminder that our actions must continually contribute to, nurture and maintain that very special learning environment. It complements and operates in parallel to our School Mission.
Code of Conduct Guiding Principles
The guiding principles that serve as the foundation to our code of conduct are:
- Respect, trustworthiness, responsibility, caring, and citizenship are essential to the academic and social development of individuals;
- All individuals have intrinsic value;
- Individuals are responsible and accountable for their choices, decisions and actions;
- High expectations lead to high performance which, in turn, empowers the individual;
- Lifelong learning is essential to a productive and enriched life.
University of Winnipeg Collegiate students, instructors and staff are expected to exhibit behaviours and attitudes that reinforce the guiding principles outlined above. All members of our learning community are expected to:
- Comply with the Collegiate Code of Conduct;
- Develop, demonstrate, and model the study habits necessary to be successful in post-secondary education;
- Demonstrate the highest standards of academic conduct, honesty and integrity;
- Be cooperative, courteous, and respectful in dealing with all members of our learning community;
- Demonstrate the highest standards of conduct and good judgment when involved in school sponsored events;
- Regardless of the situation or location, serve as an exemplary ambassador for the University of Winnipeg Collegiate;
- Ensure that everyone entering our school doors is treated with dignity and respect.
Unacceptable Conduct
Unacceptable conduct for students, instructors and staff of The University of Winnipeg Collegiate is constituted by:
- Any action that disturbs or disrupts the learning of students and/or the learning environment;
- Any action that jeopardizes an individual’s personal well-being or safety and/or the safety or well-being of others in the Collegiate;
- The use of verbal or electronic abuse (bullying, cyber-bullying, uttering threats etc);
- Acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation, physical assault, hazing, or retribution against a student or person who has intervened to prevent or report incidents to an instructor or staff member;
- Gang involvement;
- Acts of discrimination as outlined in subsection 9(2) of the Human Rights Code;
- Use, possession, or distribution of illegal or restricted substances or weapons;
- Plagiarism and academic dishonesty;
- Use of the internet (including social media, text messaging, instant messaging, web-sites and email) in an irresponsible, disrespectful, and/or unlawful manner;
- Use of cell phones and digital cameras in an irresponsible, disrespectful, and/or unlawful manner.
The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct, as well as the situation within which the action occurred, are considered when determining appropriate disciplinary action. Responses to unacceptable conduct will be planned, fair, consistent and reflective of the circumstances of the individual case. Disciplinary action, whenever possible, will be preventative and restorative.
School authorities have the responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches to the Code of Conduct. In such cases, the parties notified, and the manner of notification, will be informed by the details of the specific situation.
Appeal Process
Disciplinary decisions made by the Dean of the Collegiate may be appealed, in writing, to the Vice President (Academic) of the University of Winnipeg within 7 days of official notification.